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Time for PAM to Go Wham!

Time for PAM to Go Wham!

Privileged Access Management doesn’t solve the whole access challenge. It’s time for PAM to evolve to support complex environments and put people first.
Day Two Cloud 134: Simplifying Infrastructure Access With StrongDM

Day Two Cloud 134: Simplifying Infrastructure Access With StrongDM

StrongDM takes a proxy approach to the challenge of access and authentication. It uses a local client that can run on a Mac, Windows, or Linux device; a gateway to mediate access; and an administration layer for setting policies and permissions and auditing access.
StrongDM kicks it into overdrive

StrongDM kicks it into overdrive

With the release of tighter integrations with Okta and Azure AD (or any SCIM-based directory service for that matter), you now have the ability to manage just-in-time, least-privilege access to your critical infrastructure right from your preferred identity provider (IdP), dramatically reducing the time needed to approve requests and grant access.
Welcome to the Year of Access

Welcome to the Year of Access

strongDM asked 600 DevOps pros about the state of infrastructure access today. Their response? It’s out of control. Here’s an overview of our results.
Getting Started: Role & Access Discovery

Getting Started: Role & Access Discovery

Discovering “who has access to what” is critical for zero trust and PAM. These six steps will get you started with Access Management.
Role & Access Discovery | Who Has Access to What Now?

Role & Access Discovery | Who Has Access to What Now?

Role & Access Discovery aims to answer “Does this person, in this role, need access to that system?” Learn why this is a critical part of access management.
Principle of Least Privilege Explained (How to Implement It)

Principle of Least Privilege Explained (How to Implement It)

Today we’re going to take a closer look at the principle of least privilege (PoLP)—what it is, why it matters, and how to implement it in your organization. Understanding the principle of least privilege is critical, as network administrators must strike a balance between ease and security—protecting network access without causing friction for users. If access is too restrictive, employees won’t be able to do their jobs. Too lax, and the door to attack is open.
What Is Credential Management? 8 Best Practices to Know

What Is Credential Management? 8 Best Practices to Know

Concerned that bad actors could gain access to your digital resources using stolen credentials? Don't worry, there’s a way to safeguard your employees’ account details. Modern credential management tools and policies can give you precise control over who can view keys to access your systems and how much access they may have. The information in this article will help you conquer your biggest credential management challenges. With the right knowledge and tools, you can significantly mitigate the
Privileged Access Management Audit Checklist for 2025

Privileged Access Management Audit Checklist for 2025

It’s easy to assume that individuals with privileged access will inherently do the right thing, or simply know what they’re doing when accessing systems. That isn’t always the case. Similarly, how often do you check in on your systems with privileged access to understand what they're up to?
3 Best Enterprise VPN Alternatives for Business in 2025

3 Best Enterprise VPN Alternatives for Business in 2025

This article will introduce several best business VPN alternatives to help you secure remote access using the infrastructure you already have. You’ll see how teams of all sizes—from three-person startups to large organizations like Peloton—have replaced outdated VPN architecture with secure, scalable, auditable solutions built for modern computing.
What Is Cloud PAM? Migration, Challenges & More

What Is Cloud PAM? Migration, Challenges & More

You’re moving to the cloud, but your PAM solution won’t migrate. Everyone needs access. It’s time to rethink your access management strategy.
A Practical Approach to Just-in-Time (JIT) Access for Developers

A Practical Approach to Just-in-Time (JIT) Access for Developers

Should application developers have access to production database systems? This is a question as old as Vampires and Werewolves.
How to Replace Your VPN with strongDM

How to Replace Your VPN with strongDM

So you’re ready to move away VPN or from complicated user management like LDAP, ready to stop worrying about private keys existing on developer laptops, and ready to up your compliance game with audit trails on all of your SSH and database sessions.
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