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Alternatives to Okta Advanced Server Access

Alternatives to Okta Advanced Server Access

Okta’s Advanced Server Access (ScaleFT) is a tool allowing organizations to secure access to SSH and RDP servers via a centralized authentication
Alternatives to HashiCorp Vault

Alternatives to HashiCorp Vault

HashiCorp Vault is a powerful secrets management tool that is well suited to automating the creation, distribution, and destruction of secrets.
SSH Key Management Explained: Best Practices & More
SSH Key Management Explained: Best Practices & More
Infrastructure and DevOps administrators face significant barriers in managing Secure Shell (SSH) keys. In this article, we’ll explore the complexities of SSH key management. We’ll also show how to effectively authenticate users without having to manage SSH keys for individual users.
4+ Kubernetes Authentication Methods (Proxy, OIDC & More)
4+ Kubernetes Authentication Methods (Proxy, OIDC & More)
Kubernetes authentication presents a unique challenge. While Kubernetes defines the concepts of both user accounts and service accounts natively, it doesn’t provide us with a single, built-in method for authenticating those accounts. Instead, we must choose from a variety of techniques involving third-party tools or resources to perform Kubernetes cluster authentication.
Change/Reset Default MySQL Root Password (Linux & Windows)
Change/Reset Default MySQL Root Password (Linux & Windows)
On an unmodified MySQL install, the root user account does not have a password. This is extremely insecure! As a systems administrator, we know that the easiest way to compromise a system is using the default unchanged password with admin privileges.
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