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40+ Alarming Cloud Security Statistics for 2025

40+ Alarming Cloud Security Statistics for 2025

This article will cover statistics highlighting the extent of these cloud security breaches, who is most affected, how much money this is costing
What Is Data Exfiltration? Examples, Detection & Prevention

What Is Data Exfiltration? Examples, Detection & Prevention

In this article, we’ll explore what data exfiltration is, the difference between exfiltration of data and data leakage, and how to detect data
How to Maintain ISO 27001 Certification in 2025 and Beyond
How to Maintain ISO 27001 Certification in 2025 and Beyond
This article examines what happens after companies achieve IT security ISO 27001 certification. We’ll answer questions about how to maintain ISO certification, how long ISO 27001 certification is valid, and the costs and risks of failing to maintain compliance. By the end of this article, you’ll know the certifying body requirements and what your checklist should look like for staying on top of your ISO 27001 certification.
What Is Anomaly Detection? Methods, Examples, and More
What Is Anomaly Detection? Methods, Examples, and More
This article covers everything you need to know about anomaly detection and why anomaly detection is important for your organization’s security. You’ll learn about common challenges companies face when detecting anomalous data, types of anomaly detection, and anomaly detection methods your company can leverage. By the end of this article, you’ll know how to find anomalies in data and prevent irregular data incidents with practical anomaly detection models.
What is Sensitive Data? Definition, Examples, and More
What is Sensitive Data? Definition, Examples, and More
In this article, we cover the sensitive data definition and the main risks associated with it. You'll see real sensitive information examples and learn how sensitive data differs from personal data. By the end of this article, you'll understand what data is sensitive and how to protect it against cyber risks and exposures.
How Better Access Improves Productivity of Tech Staff [New Research]
How Better Access Improves Productivity of Tech Staff [New Research]
Have you ever wondered how access impacts your productivity? If you're like most technical staff, the sum of hours lost adds up quickly across teams. It makes sense though. The longer it takes for you to access the systems you need, the less productive you are on any given day. And what happens when that access is too difficult to get? We found that teams typically set up workarounds.
CyberArk vs. BeyondTrust: Which PAM Solution is Better?
CyberArk vs. BeyondTrust: Which PAM Solution is Better?
This article compares two Privileged Access Management (PAM) solutions, CyberArk vs. BeyondTrust. It takes a closer look at what these two PAM products are, how they work, and what may make them fit well with your organization. We’ll explore product summaries, use cases, pros and cons, PAM features, and pricing. By the time you’re done reading this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of how these PAM tools operate and be able to choose the one that will work best for you.
What is Identity as a Service (IDaaS)? All You Need to Know
What is Identity as a Service (IDaaS)? All You Need to Know
In this article, we’ll examine what Identity as a Service (IDaaS) is and how companies use IDaaS to enhance their security posture. You’ll learn why identity and access management (IAM) is important, how outsourcing IAM can support your goals, and the limitations of using a cloud-based IDaaS. By the end of this article, you’ll understand how an IDaaS solution works, the problems IDaaS addresses, and the role IDaaS will play in the future of identity management.
What Is a Honeypot? How Trapping Bad Actors Helps Security
What Is a Honeypot? How Trapping Bad Actors Helps Security
In this article, you’ll what a honeypot is what honeypots are used for, and the benefits and risks associated with them. You’ll also learn about the different types and examples of honeypots and how they work. By the end of the article, you’ll have a deeper understanding of honeypots in cyber security, and how a secure infrastructure access platform can help you safeguard your network, systems, and apps without using a honeypot.
Cyber Insurance Explained: Cost, Benefits, Coverage & More
Cyber Insurance Explained: Cost, Benefits, Coverage & More
As cyber threats have increased in recent years, more organizations are turning to cyber insurance to mitigate their financial risks. In this article, we’ll review cyber insurance basics, including what cybersecurity insurance is, how it works, what it covers, and what it costs. By the end, you will understand the different types of cyber insurance, the benefits of coverage, and how cyber insurance fits into a comprehensive security strategy.
HITRUST vs. HIPAA: Understanding the Difference
HITRUST vs. HIPAA: Understanding the Difference
HITRUST and HIPAA often go hand-in-hand when talking about security compliance. But what are they, and how do they compare? In this article, we’ll review HITRUST vs. HIPAA, including their differences, similarities, and advantages, and we’ll explain how and when to use them in compliance efforts.
Alternatives to ManageEngine PAM360
Alternatives to ManageEngine PAM360
ManageEngine’s PAM360 gives system administrators a centralized way to manage and audit user and privileged accounts within network resources. However, teams that need to manage secure access to Kubernetes environments or enforce password policies within their privileged access management (PAM) system may want to consider other options. This blog post will cover ManageEngine PAM 360 and some solid alternatives, along with the pros and cons of each.
Machine Identity Management Explained in Plain English
Machine Identity Management Explained in Plain English
In this article, we'll cover machine identities and address the importance and challenges in machine identity management. You'll gain a complete understanding of how machine identity management works and see the concept in action through real-world examples. By the end of this article, you'll be able to answer in-depth: what is machine identity management?
SAML vs. OAuth: What's the Difference? (Side-by-Side)
SAML vs. OAuth: What's the Difference? (Side-by-Side)
In this article, we will provide a high-level overview of the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) and Open Authorization (OAuth) information access frameworks. You’ll learn about the key similarities and differences between SAML and OAuth, the unique benefits of each framework, and specific use cases for each. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of SAML and OAuth to help you determine which is right for your organization.
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