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The Differences Between SOC 1 vs SOC 2

The Differences Between SOC 1 vs SOC 2

Confusing a SOC 1 vs SOC 2 audit is easy. While both compliance frameworks attest to the controls used within your organization, the frameworks
PostgreSQL Log Queries and Audit

PostgreSQL Log Queries and Audit

This is the first step to create an audit trail of PostgreSQL logs. Postgres can also output logs to any log destination in CSV by modifying the
Encryption Policy Best Practices | TLS vs SSL
Encryption Policy Best Practices | TLS vs SSL
You wouldn’t leave the house without making sure your doors and windows were locked, and that any valuables were hidden or secured in a safe. That way, if you were robbed, the burglar would have a difficult time accessing your most precious assets. In the same way, you need to make sure your organization’s critical data is well protected.
Best Practices When Writing Your Access Onboarding & Termination Policy
Best Practices When Writing Your Access Onboarding & Termination Policy
It's easy to focus on cybersecurity threats like social engineering and phishing. However, internal threats, such as human error and disgruntled employees, can be just as dangerous - and are often overlooked. A mature onboarding and termination policy that leverages least privilege access is essential to preventing a data breach.
Token Security Podcast | Troy Hunt
Token Security Podcast | Troy Hunt
This episode Justin McCarthy has an in-depth chat with Troy Hunt, a respected web security expert, Pluralsite author, and creator of 'Have I Been Pwned?' They talk about all things password related including password reuse, biometrics, and the way security has changed over time.
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