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Maile McCarthy

Maile McCarthy

Contributing Writer and Illustrator, has a passion for helping people bring their ideas to life through web and book illustration, writing, and animation. In recent years, her work has focused on researching the context and differentiation of technical products and relaying that understanding through appealing and vibrant language and images. She holds a B.A. in Philosophy from the University of California, Berkeley. To contact Maile, visit her on LinkedIn.

StrongDM has been featured in Forbes, The New Stack, VentureBeat, DevOps.com, TechCrunch, and Fortune.


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University of Rochester, UC Berkeley

Degrees & Credentials

BA Philosophy

Latest blog posts from Maile

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Five Spine-Chilling Credential Theft Stories
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Cloud Infrastructure Security: Meaning, Best Practices & More
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Kubernetes Governance Webinar Recap
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Spring Clean Your Access Management
Time to spring clean your access management! Use these resources to establish healthy habits to keep your infrastructure access tidy all year long.
Time for PAM to Go Wham!
Time for PAM to Go Wham!
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Kubernetes Access Doesn't Need to Be Complex
Kubernetes Access Doesn't Need to Be Complex
Provisioning and maintaining Kubernetes access doesn’t need to be a full-time job. Much of it can be automated with strongDM, resulting in more productive system administrators and users who can access the necessary clusters for their jobs much faster.
Meet strongDM | Cameron Delano
Meet strongDM | Cameron Delano
Meet Cameron, Solutions Architect at strongDM and a gaming-world defender who helped rescue Christmas from the Lizard Squad in 2014.
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