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Brian Johnson

Brian Johnson

Security Engineer / Podcaster, is the president of 7 Minute Security, an information security consultancy in the Minneapolis area. Brian spends most of his days helping companies defend their networks.

Since 2004, Brian has also run the blog/podcast called 7 Minute Security, where he shares what he has learned about information security into short, 7-minute chunks.


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Latest blog posts from Brian

Confidentiality Policy Best Practices
Confidentiality Policy Best Practices
Your SOC 2 confidentiality policy defines procedures to handle confidential information about clients, partners, and the company. Clients and partners expect you to keep their data secure and a confidentiality policy will demand this same expectation of your employees.Here are best practices to consider when writing your confidentiality policy
How To Stay SOC 2 Compliant | Advice For This Year's Audit
How To Stay SOC 2 Compliant | Advice For This Year's Audit
It’s safe to say that not many service providers look forward to soc 2 compliance. I'd guess not many of you have the AICPA on speed dial. Whether you're preparing for a Type 1 or Type 2, audits may be perceived as events that you prepare for and complete, but then eventually they go away - at least for a while.
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