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GCP Deployment Manager

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Deployment Manager is a service that helps users create, deploy and manage their GCP resources through automation. By employing StrongDM, users of GCP Deployment Manager can be sure that the resources a team needs to access will be shared with them automatically, every time a change is made.
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StrongDM works with GCP Deployment Manager (and everything else) to make your infrastructure a cinch to access, manage, and audit.

Manage access.

Drag-and-drop easy. Instant onboarding, instant termination. No passwords, SSH keys, or IP addresses necessary.

Connect everything.

Works out of the box with all your databases, servers, clusters, containers, clouds, intranets, websites, and tools.

Works everywhere.

Works across all data centers – cloud and otherwise. HA, load balancing, mesh. Out of the box seamless networking.

Ultimate visibility.

Automate evidence collection. Instant auditing. See what your people are doing in real-time, or play back in video format.

Learn more about GCP Deployment Manager and StrongDM

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Configuration Management Tools

GCP Deployment Manager Connections

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